Friday, 7 April 2017

Top 7 Takeaways from the Combining Passions Conference

I remember seeing posts for the Combining Passions Conference showing up in my Instagram feed and curious about it, I stalked the website to find out what it was all about. This idea of trying to find balance among the things in your life that you love really spoke to me. It took me so long to listen to all the signs leading me to what I love to do and to overcome the fears that got in my way. For those reasons, I've always been curious about how others end up where they are. There is always so much to learn from the paths others have taken and to see how life has a way to lead you exactly where you are meant to be (even if it isn't obvious at the time).

I knew I had to be part of this conference. You know that feeling you can't ignore and it just pushes you to do something? That was the feeling that led me to contact the talented Kristine St-Pierre who organized the event. I'm so glad I followed my gut on this one because it led to a day of meeting new people, sharing stories and soaking up all the advice and wisdom from an amazing group of women entrepreneurs, each bringing something different to the table.

There were many great tips and stories shared. I'm sure everyone left full of ideas and inspiration to keep them going along their path. Here are 7 that were especially meaningful to me.

1) Stop worrying about being the best. Just be yourself.
The idea of perfection can stop you from trying in the first place. There will always be people with more skills and experience. Being genuine, kind, and working hard can take you further than you may realize.

2) If you are miserable doing something, it's for a reason - listen to the signs.
Yes, there are times in life where you have no choice to do things for the paycheck but this doesn't mean you can't take small steps and explore those other areas in life that speak to your heart.

3) 'Leap and the net will appear' - John Burroughs (thanks to my friend Karolina for that quote)
Sometimes the fear to go all in means we never give our dream the attention and time it deserves and instead stay inside our comfort zone. Real growth happens outside of that.

4) Behind every success is struggle
So many times we see successful people and assume they have it easy. No matter who you are, behind that success is struggle, challenges and hard work. It doesn't happen overnight.

5) Give back in a meaningful way
Looking outside of ourselves and giving back to causes that are important to us have a way of coming full circle.

6) Surround yourself with positive people
Even if people tell you your idea is impossible, it doesn't mean they are right. Find a support network of positive people who will push you forward.

7) Fail often
Failing means at least you tried something. Use those failures as a way to learn, grow and move on.

Thanks again for letting me be part of this event and can't wait to see what is planned for the next one!

Curious to see all the photos from this wonderful event? Visit:

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