I have always been drawn to more unposed photos that show personality and emotion, where not everyone was looking at the camera - photos that speak to the viewer in some way. I have nothing against more formal portraits. I think there is definitely a place for those and often great skill that goes into that work. I just think there is a whole other part of life that gets missed when we think about photographing our families and loved ones.
About 3 years ago I was contacted by someone I didn't know to take pictures of their family. They began asking if I had cute backdrops and props that they could use because they didn't think their home was suitable. This was a bit of a turning point for me because as much as I wanted to accept any request for a session that came my way, it wasn't the type of session that I was passionate about. I panicked a little bit because I thought this meant that nobody would ever want the type of photographs that I love to take. I wanted people to see the beauty and simplicity in those everyday moments by letting their real selves show and to see the value in creating photos that tell the story of who they are at that time. The other turning point was that this simple request from a client led me to a search where I discovered an amazing community of photographers devoted to the style of photography that I love so much (more on that in a future blog post!).
I'd really love to know more about you and your thoughts on Family Documentary Photo sessions. Please complete this short quiz (seriously, there are only 10 little questions) - feel free to share with family and friends!

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